At CFP Brands, commitment to community involvement, sustainability and active assistance for social institutions are a natural and integral part of our corporate identity. This is also due to the fact that the two parent companies, Lofthouse from England and Perfetti van Melle from Italy and the Netherlands, are to this day family companies that have traditionally been equally heavily involved in the social sector in their respective countries.
We at CFP Brands, with our new headquarters in Düsseldorf's Media Port, are proud of our company and want to give something back to the people around us. Therefore, the focus of our social activities is on local institutions and projects, such as our recent CFP garbage collection day in Düsseldorf.

World Children's Day

Together for children's rights!
This is the official motto for World Children's Day this year. Together with many of you, we celebrated World Children's Day. At this point we would like to say a special thank you to Loop Kinderhilfe e.V. and at the same time we look forward to future joint projects! Home - LOOP Kinder- und Jugendhilfe (loop-kinderhilfe.de)
CFP Brands has been making donations to many organisations set up for children, teenager and families at Christmas since 2009. We would be delighted if you also visited these organisations’ websites to find out more about their important work.

CSR-Day – CFP garbage collection day in Düsseldorf – In successful cooperation with the city of Düsseldorf and Awista, CFP employees collected all kinds of garbage around the Düsseldorf paradise beach. https://www.cfp-brands.de/cfp-brands-sammelt-muell-am-duesseldorfer-paradiesstrand-.html -
It´s for Kids – With its cooperation partners, CFP Brands offers a platform for creative donations in the Düsseldorf office for the children's foundation "It's for kids". https://its-for-kids.de/
Flood victims help - CFP Brands donates a contribution of 2,500€ to "Aktion Deutschland". https://www.aktion-deutschland-hilft.de/ -
Kindertafel Düsseldorf – Daily supply of needy school children with a warm lunch, as well as creative and cultural support. http://duesseldorfer-kindertafel.de/
AKHD Ambulanter Kinder- und Jugendhospizdienst Bonn – Support for children, adolescents and young adults with a wide variety of illnesses and their families. https://www.akhd-bonn.de/ambulante-kinder-und-jugendhospizarbeit/unsere-ambulanten-kinder-und-jugendhospizdienste/bonn/startseite/
Bonner Kinderhilfsfond - Commitment to needed educational work with children and the socially disadvantaged. http://www.buergerstiftung-bonn.de/stiftungen/bonner-kinderhilfsfonds/ -
Robin Good - Supporting children, young people and families living in poverty together. http://www.robin-good.de